
Showing posts from July, 2017

My cultural experience - Jacob ' Volunteering experience in Busan South Korea '

Volunteering experience in Busan South Korea   I spent about two years in Japan, but before going back to my home country I wanted to experience yet another culture, so I decided to go to Busan South Korea. I’m interested in Korean culture, like dramas, music (for example Hyukoh) and especially food. . The food here is so cheap and delicious! If you like spicy food I strongly recommend Korean food. My personal favorite is Bibimbap As a lifelong language learner I’m also interested in the Korean language, even though I can’t speak it yet… (TT) finally, i met so many Korean locals here i had life time experience here in Busan ~ i fully thank As Home Cafe for giving me an opportunity to be part of this lovely family

My cultural experience - Haley " Internship in Busan South Korea at AS HOME CAFE Busan South Korea "

Internship in Busan South Korea at AS HOME CAFE Busan South Korea what brought me to Korea? definitely it is due to the popular Korean TV drama and the idol groups. it is a country which is not far away from China. we have a lot in common. and the great sightseeing here. that's the reason why i am here now, meeting people from different nations and enjoying everything here for the whole month. After I have been here, I hang out with my buddies almost everyday. What impressed me the most are the food and people in Busan. The traditional Korean food is amazing because of the spicy flavor and the sweat taste. I tried many of them which shown on the TV drama I watched before such as Kimchi, Kimbab. Korean people are crazy about coffee culture, that's what I like, spending a whole afternoon in cafe, doing some reading and talking to friends. 👯‍♂️While the Korean are so nice and friendly especially for those elderly, every time when people know I come from ...

My cultural experience - Li Rong " VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE IN BUSAN SOUTH KOREA "

My cultural experience - Li Rong " VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE IN BUSAN SOUTH KOREA " Nowadays, many Taiwanese people will go to Korea for sightseeing. That the reason why I want to visit this amazing place. AS HOME CAFE & HOSTEL However, instead of coming here for wondering for several days, I chose to stay in the language cafe as an working exchanger. That enables me to learn and know more about Korean culture. The food here is wonderful. What’s more, you are going to hear a lot of Korean pop music on the street. That makes me begin to listen them from now on. My adventure in Korean will last forever and Busan will be my third home. I will never forget ASHOME FAMILY FOREVER ~

My Cultural Experience - Milou Korean food i like :> volunteer in Korean with ASHOME CAFE

My Cultural Experience - Milou Korean food i like :> volunteer in Korean with ASHOME CAFE Korean Food You’re interested in Korean culture and want to visit the country but don’t really know what to expect concerning the food ? Here is a small post presenting Korean food’s main aspects! Korean Cuisine is different from neighboring countries such as Japan and China. It uses a lot of chili, sesame, garlic, as well as a wide variety of seafood and wild vegetables etc. Each areas has its own food culture and dishes of their own. Globally, northern regions cooking is less spicy than the southern regions one. All side dishes and accompaniments are shared on the table, people have their individual bowl of rice. Korean people do eat outside a lot, you’ll have the possibility to taste various Korean dishes in restaurant at reasonable prices, street food and coffee shops are also widespread here! Main ingredients starchy: rice, ...

My Cultural Experience - Tooz My thought abut Korea volunteering in Busan South Korea at the ASHOME LANGUAGE CAFE

My thought abut Korea volunteering in Busan South Korea at the ASHOME LANGUAGE CAFE K-drama and Kpop are really popular in Taiwan, almost everyone in Taiwan knows some basic phrases such as 안녕하세요(Hello). I have never been to Korea before, and I was curious why everyone likes Korea so much. During my stay, I have also found something I like about Korea: 1. FOOD! Korean food is just wonderful, and there are so many kinds. From street food such as 떡볶이(Tteok-bokki, stir-fried rice cake), 김밥(Gimbap, seaweed rice roll), to 순두부찌개(Sun dubu-jjigae, soft tofu stew)… I never run out of food options in Korea! 2. People – people in Korea are generally very friendly and polite. When I jog in the morning, there’s always a lot of아줌마(ajumma, aunt/ middle-aged woman) comfortably sitting on 평상 (pyeong sang, Korean wooden bench) while chattering, and they smile and greet you with안녕하세요or a friendly nod. 3. Landscapes – Busan as the second largest city in Korea, it offers beaut...

Review from Li - Taiwan Volunteer at As Home Cafe Busan South Korea

Taiwan  Volunteer at As Home Cafe  Busan South Korea ↡ I'm new here, and this is my first workaway experience. The hosts are nice and friendly. Busan is really a beautiful city. What's more, the cafe is located really near to the beach. I have fun here and hope more and more people will join us and make it a better place. i highly recommend this lovely place called AS HOME LANGUAGE CAFE Thank you for becoming a part of your family~^^

Review from Aidan - Italy volunteering at the ASHOME language cafe in Busan South Korea

Italy volunteering at the ASHOME language cafe in Busan South Korea Just arrived to Busan two days ago, so far so great! I wanted to spend some time in South Korea to get to know a bit of the language, the culture and Korean people, but I don't like spending too much time in big cities, so I chose Busan and found AsHome ^^ the place is wonderful so far, a bit away from the clutter and well connected with subway and buses, comfortable beds, good wifi, facilities and kitchen, plus you get to know people from all over! Thank you for becoming a part of our team/family~


AsHome Details - Swedish  VOLUNTEER IN BUSAN SOUTH KOREA Hej, allihopa! Vi har precis öppnat ett nytt språk café i Busan, Sydkorea och nu letar vi efter nya trevliga medarbetare! Är du intresserad av matlagning? Kanske gillar du att diskutera film och böcker? Eller har du någon annan hobby eller talang som du vill dela med dig av? I så fall är Ashome något för dig! Vi behöver volontärer som är vänliga, villiga att lära ut och umgås med våra koreanska studenter. På Ashome får du möjlighet att träffa många koreanska vänner och lära dig om Korea och dess kultur. I utbyte kommer du att hjälpa våra studenter att träna och förbättra sina engelska kunskaper genom avslappnad konversation. Ett plus för våra volontärer är att caféet endast är öppet på vardagar så det finns gott om tid för utflykter med vänner, eller utforska Busan på egen hand! Sommaren är här! Kom och njut av vädret och träffa nya intressanta människor. Det finns massa att se och upptäcka i Busan, sä...


French VOLUNTEER IN BUSAN SOUTH KOREA Bonjour à tous! Nous sommes un café de langues qui vient d’ouvrir à Busan en Corée du Sud. Nous recherchons des gens sympathiques qui pourraient travailler avec nous! Que diriez vous de donner des cours de cuisine? D’apprendre à des gens à jouer de la guitare ? Peut être aussi êtes vous amateur de cinéma et voudriez discuter d’intrigues de films et donner des résumés. Toute autre compétence ou passion que vous souhaiteriez partager sera la bienvenue! Nous avons besoin de bénévoles amicaux, désireux d'enseigner et de divertir nos membres coréens Avez-vous déjà voulu vous faire des amis locaux pendant lors de vos voyages? Mais vous avez échoué parce que vous ne trouviez pas le bon endroit? Alors... Vous êtes chanceux d’être tombé sur ce post! Ici vous aurez l’occasion de rencontrer de nombreux Coréens et d’en apprendre plus sur la culture coréenne. Nos clients coréens ont déjà hâte de vous rencontrer et de découvrir votre culture...


VOLUNTEER IN BUSAN SOUTH KOREA 哈囉! Ashome位於韓國釜山,是一家全新開幕的語言咖啡,目前我們正在招募各地群雄加入我們 想教授學生如何煮飯嗎嗎?吉他課?還是你是個喜歡討論劇情的瘋狂電影迷、或是分享其他你喜歡的興趣或技能,那你就是Ashome正在尋找的人才!我們正在招募熱情友善、能教導、分享快樂給韓國學生的志工夥伴。 你曾不曾有過旅行的時候積極想認識當地居民,但因為沒有管道,一直苦無門路,交不到當地朋友的遭遇? 那麼...... 好機會來了 在這裏,你能認識很多韓國朋友、了解更多韓國文化。 我們的韓國學生非常期待能與你見面、學習你的文化。你將藉由會話幫助韓國學生練習英文、讓他們的英文更進步,同時,你也能從他們身上更了解韓國文化、變成朋友。再也沒有比這個更好的機會了! 而且我們週末例定公休,所以你能跟韓國朋友計劃一日遊、或者跟其他志工樂遊釜山! 夏日腳步將近,跟我們一起沐浴陽光、結交志同道合的好朋友! 夏天的釜山有著想像不到的美,尤其是韓國最有名的海雲台海灘 期待你的加入! 一天工作四小時,週一到週五 工作時段分為下午及傍晚 下午時段: 2pm - 6pm 傍晚時段: 6pm - 10pm 工作時段為登記制,但只要事先告知就能換班,這裏的時段非常彈性!我們的團隊很小,所以非常了解、注重志工的需求 工作項目: 園藝 建築 烹飪/ 採購 一般維護 農藝 環保 家務 動物保護 觀光服務 慈善志工 語言交換 文藝活動 其他 電腦/ 網路服務協助 教學 我們在找的人選: 英文能力等級中上 活潑開朗、外向,能帶領小組對話(每個志工會分派三個以上學生) 對生命及未知的挑戰充滿熱情! 愛乾淨、有禮貌;能適應宿舍生活 **友善** : ) 這是最最重要的!!! 想加入我們的話,就發個訊息吧! 你的棲身處: 四層樓的建物 二樓:英語咖啡(語言交換) 三樓:住家(韓國住戶及志願者的共同宿舍) 四樓:廚房及休息空間 -全新整潔的住宿環境 -所有的房間皆備有空調、暖氣設備 -全新的床、寢具 -視野良好,大觀景窗(地點位於小河邊) -免費Wi-Fi -提供免費洗衣機(洗衣粉/精需自備) -提供女性宿舍 -無限提供免費白米飯及吐司 距離萇山地鐵站14號出口步行三分鐘 周遭有...